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                Now: Home > Core Ability > EHS

                Our company continues to pursue excellence, which is committed to building a world-class EHS management and a world-class EHS system, and takes EHS as the core goal of social responsibility. We always implement the following social responsibility policies:

                Legal compliance: we comply with laws, regulations and other relevant requirements related to occupational health and safety; we establish an effective occupational health and safety management system and make continuous improvement, and control and avoid health and safety risks and losses in production and operation activities.

                Sustainable development: we pursue the future of sustainable development, abide by applicable environmental protection laws, regulations and other relevant requirements, establish an effective environmental system, avoid environmental accidents, prevent and control pollution, save energy and reduce consumption.

                Social responsibility: the management must provide a safe working and living environment for employees. Fire protection system and accident emergency plan must be formulated,and relevant systems and equipment must comply with national fire protection regulations. The system includes production plant and staff dormitory.

                The company receives and successfully passes the social responsibility audit recognized by international customers every year. The audit institutions are international authoritative and authorized by European and American industry giants, such as Intertek and UL. Our company is the first enterprise in Hubei Province to obtain BSCI system certification; It is the only high-quality supplier in Central China that has obtained the social responsibility certification of international giants such as Walgreen, CVS, PLD and Walmart at the same time. Moreover, EHS of our company actively carries out extensive and in-depth EHS exchanges with Johnson & Johnson and Bayer teams every year.

                The company's EHS covers multiple modules such as safety management, environmental protection, fire emergency, occupational health and pest management.

                Introduce European and American and other international advanced EHS standards, such as SA8000, BSCI, WBA and other European and American national standards for EHS management, such as:

                Environmental protection

                1. All hazardous wastes are subject to classified management, and all are entrusted to a qualified third-party unit for compliance disposal.

                2. The sewage station adopts a / O + TiC anaerobic process, which is stable and reliable.

                Security management

                1.Establish a confined space account, implement accurate management of all confined spaces, and ensure that there are tanks, there must be accounts, there must be marks, and there must be risk assessment.

                2.Introduce process safety management and entrust Dekaida management consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. to conduct HAZOP Analysis on the dangerous processes of ibuprofen products of our company and form a report.

                Occupational Health

                People oriented, provide employees with PPE of international famous brands and provide the best health protection; For example, JSP classic extreme earmuffs (brand model) / 3M optimal 95 are equipped for noise posts, and the noise reduction value reaches 7-10db; Provide 3M (brand model) long tube respirator for employees in Highly Active production line.

                In recent years, Puracap Pharmaceutical (Wuhan) has won honors.

                No. description Time Issuing authority
                1 Advanced unit of safety production in 2014 2014 Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone Management Committee
                2 Demonstration enterprise of safety culture construction in the city 2015 Wuhan administration of work safety
                3 Responsibility objectives of fire fighting work in 2016 2017 Fire safety committee of Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone
                4 2017 excellent enterprise of safety production in East Lake high tech Zone 2018 Work safety committee of Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone
                5 Three level enterprise of safety production standardization 2019 Wuhan administration of work safety
                6 Cleaner production enterprises in 2019 2020 Wuhan development and Reform Commission, Wuhan Ecological Environment Bureau
                7 Positive list of ecological environment supervision and law enforcement in Wuhan in 2021 2021 Wuhan Ecological Environment Bureau
                8 Excellent enterprise of safety production in East Lake high tech Zone in 2021 2021 Work safety committee of Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone

                Passed BSCI and CVs social responsibility audit for many times