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                Now: Home > About Us > Milestones


                In October, Humanwell PuraCap was identified as specialized, fined, peculiar, innovative "little giant" enterprise of Hubei Province;

                In April, Humanwell PuraCap won the title of " China's preparation export outstanding enterprise brand in chemical pharmaceutical industry";



                In December, Humanwell PuraCap was identified as the enterprise technology center of Hubei Province;

                In October, Humanwell PuraCap won the title of " China's preparation export outstanding enterprise brand in chemical pharmaceutical industry";



                In August, Signed Darkin Soft Capsule MAH with Xi'an Janssen;

                In June, Humanwell PuraCap passed FDA cGMP audit ;

                In April, Signed ibuprofen market cooperation agreement with J&J;



                In December, annual total production and export totaled 2.2 billion softgels;

                In September, Humanwell PuraCap signed a business cooperation agreement with Chengdu Hinova Pharmaceuticals Inc;



                In December, annual total production and export totaled 1.2 billion softgels;

                In November, Dutasteride softgels were approved by FDA;

                In September, Humanwell PuraCap passed FDA cGMP&PAI on-site audit without defects;

                In May, the Topping Out Ceremony of Humanwell PuraCap OSD cGMP export and production base (Phase II) was successfully held;

                In February, CGTN interviewed PuraCap manufacturing plant;



                In October, the commencement ceremony of Humanwell PuraCap OSD cGMP export and production base (Phase II) was held successfully;

                In June, the first softgel generic drug from Humanwell PuraCap was approved by FDA;

                In May, Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council, inspected Optics Valley exhibition center and Humanwell PuraCap’s export products;

                In April, Wang Qinmin, vice-chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, visited Humanwell PuraCap;



                In November, Memantine Hydrochloride Tablet was approved by FDA;

                In May, Humanwell PuraCap passed FDA cGMP audit without defects;

                In February, Humanwell PuraCap passed cGMP audit of RB company;



                In October, Humanwell PuraCap passed cGMP audit of STR;

                In May, Doctor Max Sieben Baucus, the American ambassador to China, visited Humanwell PuraCap;



                In October, Humanwell PuraCap passed through the “social responsibility audit” of CVS successfully;

                In September, Humanwell PuraCap was awarded "key overseas Chinese entrepreneurship team" by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council;

                In August, Humanwell PuraCap passed through the “customer social responsibility audit” of Walmart successfully;



                In December, the first lot of products were exported from Wuhan to US;

                In November, Humanwell PuraCap passed through the cGMP audit of STR successfully;



                In November, the first softgel was born;

                In July, the factory building was completed;



                In September, Humanwell PuraCap Pharmaceuticals (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. was officially registered;