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                Now: Home > About Us > News
                Topping Out Ceremony of Humanwell Puracap OSD cGMP export and production base was held
                DATE:2017-05-27 VIEWS:2674

                The Topping Out Ceremony of Humanwell Puracap OSD cGMP export and production base was held on May 26, 2017. The leaders who attended are Gong Tao (the general manager) and Wang Jun (the assistant manager) of Wuhan Xinhong Constructional Engineering Limited Company, Shen Jie (the dean of Humanwell Healthcare Group Corporation research institute), Gai Songmei (the chief inspector of human resource department of Humanwell), Li Xurong (the chief inspector of medicine business division of Humanwell), Guo Dahai (the chairman) and Meng Xiaofeng (the general manager) of Puracap Pharmaceutical Company.