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                Now: Home > About Us > News
                The 2019 CPhI Shanghai exhibition of Humanwell PuraCap ended perfectly.
                DATE:2019-06-27 VIEWS:2249

                June 18-20, The 19th Chemical Pharmaceutical Ingredient of China (CPhI?China) was held in Shanghai New International Expo Center. As the largest, highest level and most influential pharmaceutical industry trading platform in Asia, which attracting more than 70,000 professional audiences from over 120 countries and regions, also it is an excellent way for enterprises to open up to the world and expand the international market. This exhibition reached a new level in number of visitors and the scale of it, bringing a feast of highly professional and participatory for the insider.



                PuraCap?brought many high quality softgel capsule medicines at the booth E3A47. The company's general manager?leading?the team communicated with customers in depth about the market and development trend of softgel drugs.



                Worldwide merchants crowded in front of the booth of PurCap. The partners from Market & Business development warmly welcomed many customers from all over the world, and distributed company information, introduced the company's products and answered questions.

                During the harmonious communication at CPhI, the softgel capsules from PuraCap with its comprehensive categories, top quality and diverse product solutions have won the majority customers’ favor and praise!


                ? ?

                During this exhibition, PuraCap received nearly 100 visitors from various countries, which not only deepens?the mutual trust and understanding with old customers, but also further expands the market. PuraCap highly appreciates the?concern and support from all customers! PuraCap will continue to escort the healthy development of the global pharmaceutical industry with full enthusiasm, strong technical reserves , more professional and comprehensive innovative products and services!